Van Buyer Research

Researching and Choosing

Auto Trader is the leading platform for searching for vans and the search criteria chosen is very different between SMEs and personal buyers

Sites used to search for vans

Which of the below websites, if any, have you used to search for vans?

Sites used to search for vans
Top 5 filters (Personal buyers / SMEs)

Personal buyers

  1. Price
  2. Model
  3. Delivery timing
  4. Safety rating
  5. Mileage


  1. Model
  2. Size
  3. Van type
  4. Capacity
  5. Fuel type

Personal buyers are more likely to prioritise features as they might with a car purchase, but practicalities still remain at the top of the list of “must-haves” for both types of buyer.

Considered 'must haves' for the van

Which elements were 'Must haves' for your most recent van?

Considered must haves for the van

Although these practicalities are straightforward to communicate, there are still a list of pain points experienced throughout the process. SMEs experience of these pain points is far lower, suggesting a familiarity with the task that personal buyers might not have.

Percentage agree / strongly agree the issue is a pain point for them

Percentage agree / strongly agree the issue is a pain point for them

To find out more about these pain points and the other insights from this research, watch our Van Buyer Report webinar, where we discuss how you can provide buyers with additional support and reassurance to help them through the process